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“What-if” in the Budget Application

The first step in the lengthy budget approval process starts with the individual employee in each department.
When each collaborator has prepared his budget, his forecast goes up through all the hierarchical roles up to the financial manager and then to the general manager.

Of course, the proposal of the single collaborator very often does not coincide with all the other collaborators and above all it does not coincide with the expected corporate objectives.
Start a dance of corrected top-down, bottom-up, and ward-to-ward budgets.
The Excel What-if function was very useful for automatically modifying certain parameters without exaggerating and without making infinite attempts but making small tunings to arrive at a set of values that manage to meet the constraints of all the other collaborators and departments.

If you want to learn more about how this powerful Excel feature works, go to the following links:

Last Updated on June 5, 2024

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