Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA

WordPress PlugIn developers

This was the first solution in this area of solutions that we developed in late 2016.
In 2016 we created an eCommerce based on Joomla and Hikashop.
We have learned many things since then and we want to list them all to abandon ourselves to our pride for just a moment:
a) push, pull, real time, deferred web analytics reports; b) web tracking reports; c) the importance of email campaigns; d) the web chat; e) customer care; f) the forum; g) documentation (which we now call knowledge base); h) online sales and negotiation management; i) analysis of the markets and the penetration in the various countries arriving to sell to over 130 different countries, even some with a population of less than 100,000 inhabitants; j) pricing; k) management of the technical development and maintenance department; l) the support department; m) the search for the best profitability and continuous financial sustainability; n) competition monitoring; o) evaluation of the PROs and CONs of the marketplaces; p) comparison of the various business models such as Freemium, annual, semi-annual Subscription, Software license GNU GPL; q) focus on sales or customization; r) exploit the induced opportunities of large customers and large vertical projects or reject them or resell them to a group of external developers; s) create a community of resellers, developers; t) assisted teams to exploit the market opportunities of vertical solutions; u) abandonment of Joomla CMS technology which later became WordPress.

In fact, we have acquired new and important customers who have given us tens of thousands of dollars who have financed new plug-ins and new add-ons.

We have shifted development and assistance to low-labour countries.
we have created an academy to hire recent graduates and first-time juniors.
We have created a department that deals with the assessment of profitability, performance capable of influencing strategic choices

So this single experiment has enriched us to the point that we have realized that we have created a family of new services that we have precisely called eCaaS (eCommerce-as-a-Service).

In fact, we realize that we have created a school that we are making it available to our customers who can start from where we ended up after more than 6 years of experimentation. A school that can be useful to those small businesses that timidly approach B2B eCommerce but also to those who have remained unconvinced by other very expensive marketplace solutions (which we call “strangler fig”) or solutions based on social media and other very imaginative ones found on the Internet.

Last Updated on June 5, 2024

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