Altos Web Solutions, inc. – 5725 Bravo Ave, Reno, NV 89506 USA


Secure eMail and Doc Exchange

In Dept

Our solution


Our “Digital sovereignty” compliant solution included the following components 

  • a confidential GDPR compliant environment in which there is the CRM portal vTiger server edition or Cloud edition within which there is all the information concerning the customer and his customers including web chats, WhatAPP messages, the history of all the emails exchanged, the history of all the documents exchanged and possibly also the conservation of the recordings of all the meetings that have taken place.
  • An access via web portal used by the customer’s customers to exchange documents in encrypted form via https channel.
  • Possible access from one’s website to increase the updating of news that could concern the customer.
  • an infrastructure ready for mail marketing for newsletters and other marketing activities including social.

Our vTiger-based Application Features

Your Client Wants to Book an Appointment


Exchanged Messages

Bring together all email conversations between your clients and your team to one place – Vtiger Group Mailbox !


How-to Manage eMails

Act on your email today! Write an email, Add reminders, Mark as done, Make private, etc.


WhatsApp Integration

Features of Vtiger WhatsApp Integration:

  • Send and receive WhatsApp messages to and from your contacts directly from the CRM.
  • Send WhatsApp messages in the form of notifications, alerts, approvals, and standard messages.
  • Use customizable templates to create custom messages. Customize your messages and relate them to different modules in the CRM.
  • Attach relevant documents like invoices and quotes along with your messages.
  • Manage and track your messages. Check message status, view details, etc.
  • Create workflows for automated messages.


  • Create superior customer experience: Use images, videos, hyperlinks to create smart and engaging conversations.
  • Connect with people globally where they already are: Maximize your outreach by connecting to global customers.
  • Enable two-sided conversations: Use customizable templates and themes to build high converting and conversational campaigns.
  • Message privately and securely: Send end-to-end encrypted secured messages. Send OTPs and other time-critical messages directly from CRM.


Use the Navigation option to reach your customer’s meeting site quickly.

Extract data a picture and save it to Vtiger CRM.

Record voice notes from the Comments section. Save time on jotting meeting minutes and keynotes.


Our vTiger-based Application Features Get Notifications

to Chat and Exchange Comments

Get notified when your customer adds a comment in the document shared


Our vTiger-based Application Features

Your Customer Portal

Work on records from the customer portal itself 
View personal and company records selectively by switching between Mine and All toggle. Display different records by using filters. You can also download documents from the Inventory modules.

Exchange documents and files 
Allow customers to share documents directly through the customer portal; eliminate the need for email threads and manual attachments to contact records.


Our vTiger-based Application Features Get Notifications

When your Customer is Actioned

Get notified when your customer opens, downloads, reshares, or clicks a link in the document shared nad many other type o his actions.


Our vTiger-based Application Features

Your Customer Preferences


Summary about your Customer Side Functionalities

Each user accesses his private area via

  • accesso tramite browser al link dove risisede lápplicazione fornido le proprie credenziali (userid/email, pwd)
  • cliccare sul link presente nella notifica ricevuta 

Once logged in, you will be able to:

  • aprire tutte le email ricevute e spedite e relativi allegati
  • può rispondere, ad ogni email presente
  • fare forward e generare nuove email a tutti i membri di questo servizio che sono registrati nella sua rubrica
  • aprire ticket, aggiungere COMMENT ai suoi ticket, fare download e upload dei documenti che riguardano i ticket
  • può mandare messaggi WhatsAPP, pianificare call e video conference a tutti i membri che sono nella sua rubrica

Your Side Operations

  • creare o modificare gli accessi al servizio per ogni member del servizio.
  • consultare tutti i ticket di tutti gli agenti a cui è stato assegnato almeno un ticket o ha ricevuto o inviato almeno una email
  • entrare in ogni area privata assegnata ad un membro della comunità e svolgere alcune fnzioni di maintenance
  • entrare come utente del CRM per accedere alle molteplice sezioni che lui è autorizzato a vedere/operare
  • Creare report e maneggiare documenti secondo il piando di autorizzazioni a lui concesso
  • inviare campagne mail marketing, newsletter e comiunicazioni via WhatsAPP e email
  • pianificare call e video conference associandola ad una lista di invitati

Your Appointments

You Want to Reach any of Your Contacts

How to Compose an eMail

All of Your Activities Report

Kanban-view of Your Activities

GDPR Consents

Configure consents to seek permission from your contacts to store and process their data.
Build trust with consents. Empower your clients to choose their privacy preferences.


Our Solution


  • very competitive cost effective
  • very high security
  • simplicity of use in the sense that you do not notice the change in method
  • at this cost, other additional services are obtained which can give rise to other business opportunities
  • keep under control your customer base towards which to direct up-selling / cross-selling techniques
  • management can monitor the work of agents meticulously without being invasive
  • this service falls within the compliant methods of the GDPR
  • the confidentiality of information is fully respected
  • you improve the reputation of your firm compared to your competitors


  • there is a better known alternative: professional @gmail
  • there is an alternative the @pec
  • if you use a different CRM then it is better to use the corporate CRM on which to build this application
  • this solution is valid within a closed community and in this case there are also other less powerful but perhaps cheaper solutions

Other Market Alternatives

  • Does the digital signature guarantee confidentiality? 
  • The pec guarantees confidentiality
  • What is the limit of attachments with the PEC?
  • What are the most used technologies to guarantee the encryption of documents?

How we manage the NDA

Last Updated on July 12, 2024